Tuesday, November 26, 2013

King Pins Live at Ige's Restaurant & 19th Puka (9-27-2013)

It's always a pleasure to visit with the KING PINS.  What a happy bunch of guys!  Donned in their red & black bowling shirts (we really like their band logo), they know how to put on a good show and fill the dance floor with a variety of dancers.  Their music is Classic Rock---Oh yeah Baby!  After checking out their website at: http://www.kingpinshawaii.com/frames.html; we were surprised to learn about their history & activities spanning back to 2001.  Bet they have some great gig stories to share! (wink! wink!)

Please enjoy these captured golden moments.

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Mahalo KING PINS! Till next time...Don't Stop The Music!

Harvey Yamauchi - guitar, vocals, harmonica, head pin
Bradley Choi - drums
Harvey Yoshioka - keyboards, vocals
Lance Tigner - guitar, vocals
Randall Rosenberg - bass guitar, vocals

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